Author Archives: jaquadro

About jaquadro

I am a full time software developer and part time game and game tooling developer.

XNA Templates for Visual Studio 2013

Before XNA was put out to pasture, a number of developers published additional Visual Studio project and item templates for it. During my quick search on the Visual Studio Gallery, there’s a couple dozen templates excluding the ones for Cocos2D-XNA. … Continue reading

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When in Doubt, Build From Source

I’m not a core MonoGame developer, but I try to answer the occasional question on the project’s CodePlex, StackOverflow, GitHub, this blog, etc. For a lot of these questions, I answer back with another question: Did you try building MonoGame … Continue reading

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Migrating MonoGame Projects to VS2013 and Windows 8.1

Support for XNA ended with Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010. Since a lot of MonoGame projects still depend on the XNA content projects to drive the content pipeline, a functional XNA Game Studio environment is still needed. This makes … Continue reading

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MonoGame “Hello World” on Mac OS X and Xamarin Studio

After seeing back-to-back issues on Stack Overflow, it’s come to my attention that just getting MonoGame’s equivalent to Hello World running in Xamarin Studio on OS X is … rough. There are multiple pain points that will get in your … Continue reading

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Along with a couple game projects, I have various pieces of tooling and libraries that I’m working on. Today I’m sharing LilyPath, a drawing library for MonoGame and XNA. LilyPath provides some of the functionality found in System.Drawing, such as … Continue reading

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Floppy Music

Floppy music has been floating around the Internet for a few years now with some real classic demonstrations like Phantom of the Floppera and The Ghostbuster’s Theme on 8 Floppy Drives. “Many Thousands” is probably an understatement of the number … Continue reading

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MonoGame WinForms Repository

This is a quick note that I’ve setup a repository on GitHub specifically for code and examples related to MonoGame WinForms controls. You can find it here: The repository unifies all of the code that I’ve put up as … Continue reading

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MonoGame + WinForms: Where’s My Keyboard?

A reader of an earlier post in the MonoGame + WinForms series pointed out a problem I never thought to test for: using MonoGame’s keyboard input with your embedded MonoGame control doesn’t work. Today’s post will solve this. First, why … Continue reading

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A Cautionary Tale in Code Formatting

Everyone has their code formatting pet peeves. Whether your favorite argument is tabs-vs-spaces, indentation and brace rules, camelCase-vs-PascalCase, you probably have some anecdotal situation that you staked your position on. Now I’m going to throw in my opinion on a … Continue reading

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Embedding Your MonoGame Game in a WinForms Control

This post is a follow-on to my previous entry: Bringing your XNA WinForms Controls to MonoGame + OpenGL. In my previous entry, one reader brought up a good question: once you have your MonoGame-based WinForms control working, how do you … Continue reading

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