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Monthly Archives: March 2013
Embedding Your MonoGame Game in a WinForms Control
This post is a follow-on to my previous entry: Bringing your XNA WinForms Controls to MonoGame + OpenGL. In my previous entry, one reader brought up a good question: once you have your MonoGame-based WinForms control working, how do you … Continue reading
Bringing your XNA WinForms Controls to MonoGame + OpenGL
If you’ve been embedding XNA into your WinForms-based applications for games or editors, you probably built your solution off of the WinForms Series 1: Graphics Device code sample on MSDN. This solution implemented a GraphicsDeviceControl that could essentially embed the … Continue reading
Out of the Water
Every once in a while I’ll think of something and say to myself “that would be interesting to talk about”, but I’ve never bothered to set up the infrastructure. Clearly, I’ve finally done something about that. I spend a lot … Continue reading
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